Kick-off Symposium of the Max Planck Schools
September 11th, 2019
Please click here to register online.
For invited guests only!
On the occasion of the official launch of the first three Max Planck Schools, we look forward to welcome affiliates of the Schools at the official Kick-off Symposium at the Harnack House in Berlin on September 11th , 2019 from 12 p.m. onwards.
The Symposium will highlight our cross-organizational initiative and the many people who have worked to bring this exciting graduate program to fruition. We will present the innovative research areas of the three Max Planck Schools – Cognition, Matter to Life, and Photonics – as well as provide an opportunity for you to meet other members of the Max Planck School network and the first student cohort.
We are excited to announce that the Head of the Federal Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Tasks, Dr. Helge Braun,
will join us as a special guest speaker.