
The Max Planck School of Cognition is an international graduate program originating from a joint initiative between the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Max Planck Society. The school is comprised of an outstanding cluster of faculty researchers  from diverse scientific backgrounds but with overlapping research interests in the field of cognition. These researchers come from various Max Planck Institutes, Universities, the Helmholtz Association and the Fraunhofer Society. The goal of the program is to enable students to achieve a successful independent research career in the overall area of cognition. [more]
The Max Planck School Matter to Life is a joint Graduate Program of German Universities and Research Organizations. It brings together experts from various institutions of Germany’s diverse research landscape for an interdisciplinary graduate education.The 5-year Master to PhD Direct Track at the MPS MtL offers highly talented and motivated students a research-oriented training in the fundamentals, methods and approaches in the rapidly developing field of Matter to Life. "What, exactly, is life?", and "Can life-like processes, functions and objects be quantitatively simulated, predicted and created in the laboratory?" are the overarching questions addressed in the curriculum and research training. [more]
Your excellent international graduate school in Germany [more]
Photonics is the science of light, enabling numerous modern technologies such as non-contact sensors, quantum computers and energy and information carriers. The Max Planck School of Photonics unites research in many subdisciplines to light up the world. [more]
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